Udit Fresh Foods Private Limited a FSSC 22000 certified company was established in April 2007. We are manufacter, reprocessor, co-packer of high quality staples food ranging from PULSES to RICE, DRY FRUITS to SPICES, CEREALS to FLOURS, SEEDS to miscellaneous items.
We procure the raw material and deliver the high quality packaged product in our brand "GREENBITE". We also provide a setup for co-packaging of such items under private brands for various e-commerce clients
Udit Fresh Foods is a vibrant company that provides consumers across the world with products of global standards and is committed to long term sustainable growth. The Company insists on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of its business.
"HEALTHY PRODUCTS... TRUSTED BRAND... ETHICAL COMPANY... GLOBAL PRESENCE" is our vision. We always strive to attain the same by offering new healthy and delicious processed food products in the most natural form, which shall help human to enjoy the nutritious food and the happy life.
We look forward to serve our clients only the high quality products with best service.
Mr Nirmal Jain : Director of the company has done B.Sc from Delhi University in the year of 1992, in Computer Science. He has vast experience of 27 years in various industries like Plywood, Building Glass, Herbal Cosmetics, food products, import export business.
Always offer high Quality healthy and delicious food products. Dedicate ourselves to the wellness of all human. In this process, never neglect our social responsibility.
We believe that God has given us the food with all the goodness in them. But, in todays fast pace life we, humans have neglected the goodness of them. Today, our diet is full of fast foods, and foods without natural benefits which are good in Taste but bad for health, and we have no time to think about this very fact.
At UFFO we offer GREENBITE. All the products of Greenbite have all the natural benefits intact. We give lots of importance to Dietary fiber, found in whole grains, which helps digestion. Good digestion results in low disease.
"Quality first, Always & Every time" is our motto.
In house Research & Development is an ever going process at UFFO. We are always doing R&D to make newer and better GREENBITE products. It's our constant endeavor to deliver the highest quality products.
Our state of art facility follows GMP and HACCP standards to give consumers an ultimate quality product. We strictly follow all compliance with legal and corporate regulatory affairs. We keep systematic and periodical maintenance of plant. Strong Good Manufacturing Practice and HACCP technique are followed to prevent any hazard in process and hence in the product either during the process and packing or at the storage ends. Periodical evolution of GMP and HACCP supported by internal quality audit followed by documentation helps us to maintain a process and product safety.
As such our company has been awarded ISO 22000:2005 certificate from UDEM. You can look at it below.